Friday, December 19, 2008

Early Christmas with Gma Bonnie

Grandma Bonnie came to visit for a long weekend to celebrate Christmas early. She is also so wonderful to have with us - Gregory just adores her! She always brings lots of surprises like new books and a couple of toys - I guess spoiling him is her prerogative! This being Christmas, though, she had a few special surprises in store. A whole mountain of Christmas books - I think she read him each one 10 times while she was here! A wooden train set from Grandpa Rod, and some other trains from cousins Anna and Gracie, and a lot of other little things... She also found a cloth nativity playset with finger puppets and a stable that doubles as a carrying case - Greg loves to take everything out and then put it all back in! But the coolest thing was something she mail-ordered. You can see it in the pictures below - it arrived just today! We couldn't wait to open it and he doesn't know that you usually have to wait until Christmas morning to open gifts - I guess we'll have to institute that rule next year when he can understand it. Anyway, the present was a huge hit!

While Grandma Bonnie was here, we went to the Capitol for one of our Nebraska Friends of Midwives lobbying days. We passed out M&M trail mix to all the senators' offices along with some information about our upcoming bills. They were having a tuba concert in the rotunda and Santa was there. It was fun to enjoy all the holiday festivities and Grandma and Greg ran all over the halls exploring.

I have to teach classes this weekend and then on Monday we head out to sunny southern California for Christmas as usual. We are particularly looking forward to it considering the huge storm we had last night. It was Thunder-Snow...rather unusual - kind of a cross between a snowstorm and an ice storm. Really fun to drive in - gotta love a white Christmas...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Photo Shoot

Shoot! is right! Enjoy the bloopers reel below!(I made it bigger so you can see his facial expressions...) For some reason, Greg got it into his head that he does not want to be in any pictures. These are the result of 3 different attempts over the past 2 days. We finally got one that was acceptable, but you'll have to wait to see it until you get it in the mail! Which will obviously be a little while since we just ordered them...hopefully you'll get it before Christmas!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Ah! Oh no!

I was considering changing the template of my blog but I decided not to. Unfortunately, as a result of my experimentation, I lost my list of Blogs I Read. I have recovered a few but if you know I read your blog, would you mind adding a comment with your URL so I can put it back on my list? Thanks!!!

Follow Me!

I added the button to follow my blog, so please do join! It'll help me know who is out there!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

So much traveling!

Well we have barely been home for the last several weeks, hence the lack of posting, my apologies! Here is the catch-up, but before I get started, I have long neglected to announce my first blog award! Many thanks to Annie of the Junior, Mints and Reeses blog for the honor. Apparently there is a whole world of blogosphere stuff like this that I am not aware of, and honestly, its a bit overwhelming! Its odd to remember that there are actually people out there who read this!

So I am supposed to send this award on to 5 blogging friends: Michal, Sarah, Becca, Anne, and the Smart Baby Sign Language Holly.
The Gold Blogging Friends Forever Rules are:
1. Only five people allowed.
2. Four have to be dedicated followers of your blog. (I only have 1 official follower, so I'm just picking people I know who have their own blogs)
3. One has to be someone new, or recently new to your blog, or live in another part of the world.
4. You must link back to whoever gave you the 'Blogging Friends Forever' award.

OK, now to the updates! Gregory and I spent a week in Cincinnati with my friend Michal, her husband Jonathan, and their new baby Alexander, Xander for short. He is adorable and a really nice baby! I can't wait to see him grow and see him and Gregory playing together. Greg already likes him - every morning when we got up, the first thing he would say was "Baby? Hiiieee!" He liked to get down close and wave at the baby and give him hugs. The second thing he would do was loudly make a high-pitched screeching meowing sound, indicating he wanted to see the cats...he also loved the cats, but I am not sure they liked him quite as much, especially when he made that noise! Michal and I had a great time hanging out and doing mommy things together. We went out a lot, Michal practicing her wrapping and nursing in public skills. Traveling alone with Greg was not too bad either, I think I have it basically down to a science now! And remember how last time we went to Cincinnati we got stuck overnight on the way home? Well we got home a day later than we planned this time again, but at least we found out early enough that we were able to just spend the extra day with Michal and Jonathan. So all in all, a really great trip! Boy do I miss living near Michal!

Cincinnati Children's Museum: Greg was so focused on playing that I don't think I saw him smile - just a very studious concentration all day long! If anyone is ever in Cincinnati with kids, you have to check this place out!

Chicago Midway Airport Layover: This soccer ball has been all over the country!

Only 2 days after we got home from Ohio, we drove to Canton, Kansas, to visit my great uncle Lawrence and great aunt Irma and their family for Thanksgiving. They live in the home that my grandpa's mother and her father built! Of course, it has been somewhat renovated since know, indoor plumbing and things, but it was really special to be in the old family home. Greg and Lucy both had a wonderful time playing with Austin and Leah, two of the grandkids who live there as well. We had a great Thanksgiving dinner and also did a little sight seeing. I have to say, I am totally impressed with a little town called Newton, nearby, which had a fabulous health food store and a natural baby shop to die for. Check them out online:

Kansas Thanksgiving: The only problem was we didn't take enough pictures - hello, it might have been good to take pics of the people we saw in addition to the places! Sorry!

We are going to be home now for 3 weeks before the annual California Christmas trip. In the mean time, I am beginning to teach this quarter for the community college again, 2 sections of Intro to Biology, Tuesday and Thursday nights and Saturday and Sunday afternoons...what did I get myself into? Between that and the preparations for the 2009 legislative session with Nebraska Friends of Midwives, I will barely have a moment to spare, but I'll try to remember to get the camera out a little...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Recent Fun

We've had a busy last couple of weekends. First Grandma Bonnie and Cousin Stephanie, with Gracie, came to visit from North Dakota. Grace and Greg had so much fun together! We went to a little family dairy farm and they had a great time climbing on a tractor...ok, it was a riding lawn mower, but hey, it was a John Deere! We visited the zoo, and we went to the mall playground...we kept ourselves really busy. We had to stay out of Dan's hair as it was his last weekend before his big exam. It wasn't too hard with such nice company!

The week was pretty tough as Dan was preparing for his exam on Thursday. But he lived through it and on Friday we all piled in the car and went up to Minneapolis. Dan's cousin Angie was married on Saturday, but had a Halloween Party on Friday night. We had a great time at both events, and just spending time with the Fix clan, especially Grandpa Mike. Grandpa and Dan also caught a Vikings game on Sunday. We took our time coming home on Monday which was a much needed chance to spend some good family time just us. Now back to the grindstone, but with a lot more together time since Dan doesn't have to study for a while now, thank goodness!!! I can't say how great it is to have him back!

Here are a couple of videos from some fun we had running through the downtown St Paul skyway system. We were trying to get Gregory to burn off some energy so he would have an easier time going down for a nap. He played some soccer and also enjoyed looking out the windows at the passing cars and people below and the pigeons roosting on the ledges.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Video Dump

As promised, you get to see some of the cute and funny things Greg is doing these days. Lots of jabbering, some of his first words, and lots of signs...


This was back in August when the Aunties were here:

Quiz time part 1:

Quiz time part 2:

All that quizzing wore me out!

This is a little game he invented with Daddy's hat, and it was so funny we had to tape it! Honestly, we didn't teach him this!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Photo Dump

Hi All - my deepest apologies for the major lack of posting recently. We have a lot of photos and videos to show you! This post will be pics, and when I have all the videos uploaded, I'll do another post with them!

Here's a fun time we had at the park - we go almost every day that we can, trying to soak up the last of the decent weather. Greg loves slides, swings, sand, and just plain running around.

Mr Personality! Greg had a great time on our trip to ND for cousin Stephanie's wedding. Here are some cute ones Aunt Kim took:

Mr. Potato Head's glasses
From 2008 10 09

Yes, its a tantrum. And its funny.

Helping Daddy study...its all Daddy does these days!
From 2008 10 19

And we went to an Obama event to hear Hillary Clinton speak. It was pretty cool - we've never gone to anything like that before. Once again, can I say how much we love babywearing!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Mazel Tov!

Congrats go out to my best friend Michal and her husband Jonathan on the birth of their son! He was born around 9am on Tuesday Oct 7th and weighed in at 6 lbs 11.5 oz, and was 19 inches long! I am not posting the name as of yet because I am not sure if they have officially announced it yet. As I understand it though, it was a smooth labor and birth with not much pushing, go Mama!! Michal was a little woozy there for a while afterwards but she is doing better now and baby is also doing very well, and I can't wait to have some pictures to share! The completely objective report from Jan (his grandmother) is that he is pretty darn cute and fabulously content...who wouldn't be, coming into the world surrounded by all that love? :)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Trip to the Zoo

We often go to the zoo, since we have an annual pass, but we don't often take many pictures. This past week we went with some friends and did whip out the cameras! Our little toddlers have been growing up together and it is so much fun!

Left to right: Etta, Gregory and Lici. This is Etta's wagon and she was kind enough to share it - good thing Greg is still small or he wouldn't have fit in the middle!
From 2008 09 16

Nurse that toddler - any time, any place!
From 2008 09 16

The newest exhibit is a butterfly house, which was so cool! The most beautiful butterflies and moths everywhere you looked!
From 2008 09 16
From 2008 09 16

Whoa, one flew right in front of us - see it on the left! Still loving the babywearing!
From 2008 09 16

In the aquarium - I was trying to get him to do his fishy mouth impression - he did it for a second, but he was really pretty distracted in the awesome shark tunnel.

I do have to tell you, I had a bunch of awesome pics and videos that accidentally got erased a few days ago - I was nauseous over it! I am working on replacing the videos since they were of things he does a lot, like his signs. We are headed to Minneapolis this weekend so there will no doubt be many great photo ops!

Last but not least, the developmental news. We went in for Greg's 15 month check up yesterday. He weighed 19 lbs 4 oz, which was a gain of about 3 lbs in 3 months - pretty good! He was a generous 28 inches tall, up only a half inch (if that.) So that puts him just barely under the curve for weight and pretty far under for height - I guess he takes after my side of the family in that dept! He might catch up later, but there's nothing wrong with being short! I bought him some footie pajamas since we've had a couple of cool nights, and they are 12-18 month size - they fit him totally fine except his feet only make it about down to the knees! Oh well!!! Also it seems I have forgotten to mention it, but you may have noticed the absence of the binki in the photos for a while now - thats because he gave it up! We have been binki-free for a couple of months now - what happened was that we actually lost them all, and then I realized we hadn't used it in a day or two so we just decided to see if we could survive without. Lo and behold, it was no problem at all! Since then, I have actually found them again and even offered one back to him to see what he'd do, and he played with it a little and then threw it on the floor. I have to say, I am so relieved we got that over with so easily - I was afraid I'd be bribing him to give it up before he went to kindergarten!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Story of Stuff

I know this blog is supposed to be about Gregory. And this is not directly about him, but really, if you think about it, it is. Its about what I want to teach him and about what kind of world he will inherit.

So go! The Story of Stuff

Monday, September 8, 2008

More About Baby Sign Language

Well I want to try to get some videos of Gregory doing his signs, but in the meantime, check out these promos for the new Baby Signing Time series - I am posting them as part of a contest to win a set of DVDs and CDs. Grandma Bonnie actually gave us a few episodes of the original Signing Time on VHS, and we are really enjoying them - it would be awesome to have the whole set that is especially designed for babies!

Some of you may know that Gregory's Grandma Bonnie is a deaf educator. She grew up signing with her deaf grandparents, so sign has been a family language for a few generations now. Not only is it convenient and fun to teach Greg, I also feel like I am giving him a little piece of his family history. And there is actually more and more research coming out showing that sign can help hearing children improve their language skills and learning aptitude, so there are just so many good reasons to keep on signing!! Gregory has already reduced his whining a whole lot, and is so happy when he signs to me and gets the results he wants, and he only knows a few signs! I can't wait to keep teaching him more and more and find out what he has to say!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Maybe a little something about the Boy!

Well, time has flown by and I haven't posted at all about Gregory in ages! Heck, this blog is supposed to be about him! Sorry! There are many new developments you will be delighted with, as we are. My sister Claire was here for the first 3 weeks of August, and my other sister Audrey was with us for the remainder of the month. What a blessing they both were, helping us out so that I could work on BOLD. I could not have done it without them, and we had a lot of fun and I think Greg really enjoyed spending the time with his Aunties.

We got a new toy - a rather big toy - from a friend who didn't use it anymore...a ball pit! Gregory loves it, but it is a little hard to keep Lucy from destroying the you'll see, Greg isn't much help in that department. So we only take it out on occasionally, which actually helps keep up the fun value.

Greg has really come a long way in motor and language skills. He figured out how to do some of the baby signs we have been trying, and once he figured it out, he has been picking them up like gangbusters. He learns a new sign every day or two. He also tries to say the word that goes with it sometimes, and he can get the beginning sounds a lot of the time. He is learning the names of things and pointing a lot more too. It is so much fun to see how he shows us that he knows what we are talking about. He's a smart kid, if I do say so myself!
From 2008 08 27

Also he doubled his number of teeth in the last round of teething, so can now eat basically anything he wants... it really opens up the culinary world for him and he is eating like a grown man - and has the belly to show for it!
From 2008 08 27

From 2008 08 27

From 2008 08 27

A couple of other cute things he's been doing are "talking" on the phone and playing around with sitting on the potty seat. We are not potty learning in earnest yet, but he has shown some interest in pretending, and we have successfully caught a couple of number twos in there, which is always good.
From 2008 08 27

From 2008 08 27

From 2008 08 27

We have also been going for walks every morning with our friends, and we often stop at the playground afterwards. Greg has discovered the joy of playing in the sand, and also loves to go down the slide. Its been really good for me and Lucy too - its good to start the day off with some fresh air, sunshine and activity, and it seems to be helping Lucy with her loneliness as well...since Giggles has been gone, the poor girl has been pretty whiny and be expected I guess.
From 2008 08 27

From 2008 08 27

From 2008 08 27

One less cute thing he has learned is how to turn the tv on and off...that does get old pretty quick, but we are glad he is clever.
From 2008 08 27

OK, I promise I will be updating you more frequently now that the busiest part of BOLD is over... 3 more shows to go: Norfolk tomorrow, Grand Island on the 14th, and Lincoln on the 24th. Please pray for a good turn out for us!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

BIRTH play opening in Omaha Aug 30th

Hi all - I know many of you who read this blog are not in Omaha, but I am posting this information everywhere I can!! Spread the word to anyone in NE and please consider becoming a sponsor and purchasing an ad in our program. Your regularly scheduled blogging will resume sometime soon - can't promise when - I've been a little busy... But I do have pictures and milestones to share! :) In the meantime, check out www. to see if Birth is performing in an area near you!

Please share, repost, and forward this to as many people as you can! We are also accepting ads for the program through Monday Aug 25th. Thanks!!!

Birth a play by Karen Brody - touring NE Aug/Sept 2008

is a dramatic, funny, touching, and thought-provoking piece that examines the importance of giving birth in the lives of women and families. Performances are followed by a talkback panel discussion, which will provide an opportunity to explore the important issue of maternity care in our own community. This program will be valuable to anyone who is interested in honoring mothers and babies by making sure the care they receive at the time of birth is safe and respectful of the sacred nature of this life event. Please share the following information with your members and clients. Let us know if you would like to receive an advertising flyer for display - contact Holly Fix at (402)659-6734. Also please add this event to your weekly newsletter or bulletin, including contact information.

Thank you sincerely!

Holly Fix
BOLD Nebraska Organizer


Omaha – UNO Eppley Auditorium
Saturday August 30th 6:30pm
Sunday August 31st 2:00pm

Norfolk – Lifelong Learning Center at NCC
Saturday September 6th 1:00pm

Lincoln – The Loft at the Mill
Wednesday September 24th 7:00pm

Kearney - TBA

"This play must be seen by everyone – parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts. It’s life-changing.”
– audience member, BOLD New York City

Birth is a critically-acclaimed documentary-style play that tells the birth stories of eight women, painting an honest picture of how low-risk, educated mothers are giving birth today.

BOLD is a global arts-based movement inspiring communities to create childbirth choices that work for mothers. Since BOLD’s founding in 2006, education about the issue of options in childbirth - through watching the play Birth and the post-show talkback – has been at the heart of BOLD’s efforts.

Visit our website at for ticketing and sponsorship information.

To obtain an advertising flyer, reply with FAX number, or call Holly at (402)659-6734.

Friday, August 8, 2008

In Memoriam: Giggles 12-23-97 to 8-7-08

It is with deep sadness that I share the passing of our dear Giggles. A few weeks ago she was affected by what seemed to be a UTI and a minor cough. Our worst fears were realized when the vet told us she had fluid in her belly and lung, caused by heart failure. Medications kept her stable and comfortable for a while, but her condition deteriorated. While we were in ND, she and Lucy stayed with Caroline, as they usually do when we go out of town. She couldn't keep the fluid under control and her belly grew to twice its already bloated size and though she was hungry, she couldn't bear to eat. The vet was able to remove some of the fluid and she felt some relief and ate again, but within a few days, went downhill again. The medications couldn't help her advanced state of heart failure. Caroline and I comforted her and said our goodbyes as she went to Heaven today.

Giggles was an angel in fur...the most loving, loyal, wise and beautiful dog you would ever have the fortune to meet. She lived a full life, traveling the country participating in (and winning!) many dog shows in her youth. She bore several large litters of beautiful puppies, several of whom have gone on to have show, obedience, agility, and hunting careers. She came to live with Lucy and us and gave us her devotion unconditionally. She accompanied me to puppy classes, where she taught youngsters about proper doggy etiquette. She went to schools and nursing homes, bringing joy and love to all she met. She showed in Junior Showmanship even as recently as the end of April, where she helped her handler, Bridgette, win first place as usual. Everyone was impressed at how she enjoyed going around that ring even at her age, and how beautiful she still was. She loved walks and especially chasing tennis balls, rolling on top of them in the grass, dropping them in her water bucket, and chomping them, busting them in half! She loved to give hi five. She got so excited to eat that she danced around in circles with a huge grin on her face. She loved to cuddle and be pet for hours. She tore up tissues if you left her alone. She loved nylabones, and even though she was bigger and stronger, she often left Lucy take the one she was chewing, just because she wanted it. She was endlessly patient with Lucy, who could certainly be obnoxious at times, pestering her to play tug...she usually obliged. She was a benevolent queen. She loved children and never minded their intrusions into her ears, nose, eyes and mouth. She was so easygoing and trusting, we joked that you could probably do minor surgery on her and she wouldn't mind - which we actually did put to the test once. She had a skin thing removed under local anesthesia when most dogs would have been put under, and she held perfectly still the whole time. She was steadfastly by my side, wherever I went in the house or outside. I will miss her smiling face and her calm, angelic presence probably more than I even realize right now.

Giggles, you were a perfect companion. I, for one, will never forget you, and look forward to seeing you in Heaven some day. Enjoy your treats and tennis balls in the meantime. I love you!

This was in the old days - they used to have fantastic up-side down wresting matches. Giggles always won, but she allowed Lucy to get her shots in to make her feel good! The one on the left is Gigs.

This was just in April, they went on sharing this bone for what seemed like an eternity - probably at least 10 minutes!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

ND Family Reunion

We took a long weekend and went up to ND to visit Dan's family. The Fix side was having a reunion and relatives from all over the country enjoyed the cabin on Lake Sakakawea together. It was so great to hang out with Dan's extended family and for the kids to play together. We are truly blessed by such wonderful relatives. We went for a boat ride on the lake, but Greg's enjoyment of that was quashed by his irritation with the life jacket. Grandpa Mike did manage to get one or two little smiles out of him... We also went swimming, which he liked better once he got used to the cool water. But the majority of the time, Greg spent playing with rocks in a bucket of water, and on the slide and swingset, and he was having a ball! Walking is really serving him well, opening up a whole new realm of play opportunities!

We also got to spend some time with the Hogan side, visiting the great grandparents and 2nd cousins on that side too. Its amazing, Gracie is the youngest of the 3 babies, but she is the biggest!! They're all growing so fast! We had fun seeing Grandma Bonnie's new horse, Lily - Greg was a little nervous around such a big creature! They are getting the farm ready to move next year after Bonnie retires, so Rod has been busy with a lot of organizing projects and the place looks good. Up and back, it was a long drive both ways, but Greg was a real trooper, sleeping a lot, and reading a lot of books. He got creative with them and did take a bite or two out of them as well! All in all, it was a great trip!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Officially a toddler!

Gregory has been growing braver every day in his quest to become bi-pedal and master his environment! We have some great videos for you. He has also definitely transitioned from infant to toddler from a social and cognitive perspective as well. In the videos, you'll not only get to see his movement, but also, his development - he's trying to talk, and you can see the little wheels turning in his brain. One of the most exciting things for me is to see him responding to what I say in a way that I know he actually knows what I mean. Greg has always let us know that he has strong feelings and opinions, from birth! But now, he is having more dramatic reactions when I try to distract or divert him from something he wants, or when I refuse him something. How dare I! A friend said to me, you don't want to break their spirit or their will, but you do have to civilize them! That about sums it up right there! He's our little monkey! Guess its time to start reading up on gentle discipline...oh Dr Sears!!



Driving his car

Going downstairs

Going upstairs

Monday, July 7, 2008

walking and talking - sort of!

As promised, here are a few little clips...I will continue to strive for better ones! I will say, he has a lot of drool and snot going on these days due to a major teething effort underway...

Oh yeah, we had professional pics done...

We have a few prints for the family we'll be sending out as soon as I can get to the post office, but if you see any you want, let us know and we can get it for you!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sorry no blogging - busy outside!!

Hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable 4th of July! We have been outdoors as much as possible, but its been pretty rainy and humid lately. Actually, on our anniversary (5 years, thank you!) there was a storm with 90 MPH winds that knocked down half the trees and power lines in Omaha! We escaped with very little damage, thank goodness, but our neighborhood lost a LOT of trees, which is sad, and some of our neighbors had some significant damage to their roofs, fences, decks, and cars... Its still a mess with branches, uprooted trees, and busted-up sidewalks everywhere. We did have a glorious day on the 4th though...a whole day out at the park, and great fireworks at night - thankfully one more year of no one blowing themselves up! We also hung out at the lake last week and enjoyed the water together!

Greg, Bonnie (Dan's mom), and I also made a trip to Sheboygan, Wisconsin, for the YMCA National gymnastics meet, to hang out with my mom and Aunt Karen, and see Claire and Audrey compete. Bonnie was a fabulous traveling companion, keeping Greg (and me) entertained on the 9 hour drive! The girls did great too - Claire made All-American for the 3rd year in a row, and Audrey took first in beam and tied with her teammate for 12th overall out of about 180 girls in her category! Their gym also took 4th place in the team competition, which is awesome because their team is tiny compared to most of the others!

The first time Claire has ever landed this full-twisting Tsukahara vault in competition - there was only 1 other girl at the meet who did it too (and Claire scored better...):

Audrey's first-place beam routine:

Since my family flew through O'Hare and their flight home ended up getting postponed a day, we decided to stay an extra day with them in Chicago, and visited Gregory's godparents, Patrick and Keri too. We only wish Dan could have been with us! We had a great time checking out downtown, and the Lincoln Park Zoo. We even saw another babywearer there! I guess it shouldn't have surprised me considering the International Babywearing Conference was there over the weekend too - if I had ever wanted to be in 2 places at once, it was then...but I definitely made the right choice as it was...

In other developments, Greg had his 1 year checkup at the doctor. He is doing great on all his milestones of course, but is definitely on the small side for his age, 16lbs 9oz and 27 1/2 inches. His height and weight match, though, and frankly, he matches my family...we can't be that surprised. And the boy eats like a grown man, so we are not worried. He has been practicing his walking and is getting steadier every day. This week's project is to get video of it. He has also started to try to imitate some sounds - the beginning of talking... For example, on the 4th, Dan was trying to get him to say "Boom" which came out more like "Bouuu" but you can tell he was definitely trying. He also attempted "ball" which sounded remarkably like his "boom"! :) Ok, ok, we'll work on video of that too! Stay tuned...

Monday, June 23, 2008

First Birthday Bash!

Last Saturday we had a big barbecue party at the park to celebrate Greg's first birthday. Many of our friends were there and it was so great to enjoy it with them. We can't believe how fast this year has gone, and how big and wonderful Greg has grown! We are just so proud of him every day! And by the way, he took his first steps the day before his birthday. He's still only doing 3 or 4 at a time, but he's getting braver all the time. He's so proud of himself when he does it too - its hilarious. We'll keep working on a video, but its a little tricky since he's distracted by the camera. Anyway, here's a few pics and videos so you can feel like you were there too!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Father's Day Weekend

Grandpa Mike and Grandma Coralie were down for the weekend - it was so great to visit with them. Greg just loves all his Grandparents - I guess he likes all that attention! We mostly just hung out, went out to eat a few times, and enjoyed each other's company. Here's a few pics:

Video Catch Up

Sorry these videos from our CA trip in May are so late... Enjoy!

Kayla playing videographer:

Sorry this one is sideways, but its cute. Greg shakes almost everything he plays with just to see if it makes noise. Grandma Mary and Grandpa Nick fittingly got him a music set for his birthday with bells, maracas, etc., and a drum too. He loves them!

Cuteness playing with Grandpa Nick. Some adorable clapping in this one, and the funny face he was making the whole time we were out there - scrunching up his nose.

Aunt Kayla - need I say more?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

California Trip

We were in California last week - Dan had a conference in LA and we took advantage of the opportunity to make a visit out of it. It was so great to spend such quality time with the family - words cannot express how much I miss you guys!! It was so special to see Gregory bond with each person - I grieve that those relationships cannot be more continuous. As he gets older, though, he'll start to remember these good times in between visits and will be able to communicate on the webcam and stuff - that will help. I know we have always said that closeness is not dependent on proximity, but it sure helps!

Anyway, here's some pics to enjoy. There are many videos too, but they take a long time to upload so it'll be a few more days before I have them up.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Enjoying Spring

The weather has turned nice, I think for good, so we have been venturing outside a little more. Here are a few more videos and a picture...its kinda hard to get good shots of what he's been doing lately. For example, he has been practicing walking around all the furniture and with his wagon and has started standing independently (look ma, no hands!) but every time I get the camera out all he wants to do is grab at it, so a picture has been elusive. I'll keep trying though...


a try to record clapping...

a little clapping...

a little walk...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Happy Mother's Day to all of the wonderful moms and moms-to-be that we are so blessed to have in our lives! We hope you are having a day filled with love and family!

Our little family enjoyed a sinfully delectable buffet this morning. Gregory particularly liked the bacon. He had some bacon at home before and was not impressed with it as it was overdone and really only good for crumbling, not eating. The bacon at the buffet, however, was meaty and succulent. He went into an altered state as he was enjoying it, the bacon trance, which went on for a long time since he was not very efficient at chewing it and mostly just gummed it up and sucked on it forever! Sadly, we neglected to bring our camera! We did snap some shots once we got home, though.

Another milestone on this Mother's Day, Gregory had his first haircut. Well, ok, I did trim one or two stray ones before now, but this was the first one of any significance. You may have noticed that he was a little untidy around the ears - well that's all taken care of now... Daddy was getting annoyed with it, but Mommy wanted to wait - well I will admit that he looks better now...

We also have a couple of videos for you to enjoy. The first one is Gregory on his rocking horse - this was a gift from Grandma Bonnie and Grandpa Rodney and he gets a kick out of it.

The second one is of him out in the front yard - it ends abruptly because I had to go fish mulch out of his mouth...

And a few more pictures:
All in a day's work...

Sweet Potatoes!


Daddy and Greg at Tyler's birthday party

Tyler and Greg

Monday, April 21, 2008

Feeding Gregory

(ask and you shall receive, Michal!)

So it has been not quite a month since Greg started eating new foods in earnest. And still, about 97% of his nourishment comes from me - which I'm totally great with! This past Saturday, we attended the Nebraska regional La Leche League conference, which was great in so many ways, including reaffirming the decisions we have been making about "solid foods," so I thought I'd ruminate on them here a little.

We are essentially following the principles of “child-led weaning,” or rather, my interpretation of it, which is influenced by LLL guidelines, attachment parenting, and even some Montessori principles. Most basic to feeding a baby is obviously nursing. “Weaning” begins with adding in solid foods, not stopping or reducing nursing, and is a long and very gradual process that can take years for the child to transition from getting his nutrition solely from mother to solely from solids. American culture in particular seems to want to rush the stopping nursing part. Actually, we rush the starting solids part too! For us, “child-led” meant waiting for Greg to let us know in no uncertain terms that he was ready to start solids, not going by an arbitrary date or age. In addition to being able to sit up alone, having teeth, and noticing us eating and chewing, we wanted to see him actually asking for food. And he did! One day he was not interested and the next day he was demanding!

To us, right now it is about learning how to eat, not about getting a certain quantity of food into his belly. I know he is still getting all his nutritional needs met through my milk. Right now, it is about having fun! He is exploring new tastes, textures, and temperatures. He is developing his motor skills by picking up the food pieces and getting them into his mouth, which is especially challenging when they are small and slippery, not to mention learning to chew and swallow things other than liquids. He is absorbing the social skills of eating together with others both at home and in public by sitting right at the table with us. Keeping these goals in mind really helps us relax if a day goes by when he doesn’t eat anything, or when he throws most of it on the floor or makes a huge mess! We don’t stress out if he’s not eating everything and we don’t shovel spoonful after spoonful down his throat to finish the container. In fact, we don’t give him any pureed baby food at all. He decides whether, what and how much he eats of the real food we happen to be having. This also helps him develop a sense of control over himself and his environment, and in this way we are showing him respect. Our obligation is just to offer him healthy foods to explore, and make sure he doesn’t choke!

I must admit that when he turned 6 months old, I began to stress out about solid foods. I know that this is the typical age when most people start giving their kids solids, if they didn’t already start at 4 months! And everyone typically starts out with rice cereal – oh, rice cereal! There is even a gal at Dan’s office who has been regularly asking if Greg is eating rice cereal yet (even after Dan said he was eating chicken and vegetables - LOL)! (ask me about the history of rice cereal some time…) I was really starting to sweat it, but deep down I felt that he wasn’t really ready yet and regardless, rice cereal was probably not in his future! Thank goodness for my wonderful mamas at La Leche League – their reassurances about the signs of readiness and that many of their kids weren’t interested in solids until closer to a year old laid all my worries to rest. And so far, we are really pleased with the choices we have made in starting this next phase in Greg’s life! It sounds so serious when I say it that way, but it really is kind of a milestone! And I know what we are doing isn’t what works for everyone, but hey, its working for us!

So I have perhaps some slightly more boring videos for you today, but here’s Greg enjoying some broccoli. He also has been playing shy – here he is playing with Daddy sitting across the table, but he frequently does it when new people greet him as well – too cute!

And we just got him a set of baby-sized silverware (silver-plated!) and he actually uses it – how cute!! I have to load it up for him, but he can get the food into his mouth with it – here he’s eating some peas which I have squashed so he doesn’t choke on them… Also I’d like to point out that he has adorable baby blue enamelware dishes – no plastic or melmac around here – are you surprised!?! ;)

And fortunately, children are washable!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Fun getting around

Greg has been pushing the limits of his mobility and has been gaining ground every day. We got him a walker wagon so he could practice (courtesy of Uncle Benny) and he has been having fun with it - although we had to weight it down a little to keep it from tipping back - its not the fanciest thing. But hey, it does the trick!

The wagon is also good for teething - who knew!?!

Greg and Daddy having fun (well maybe Greg is having more fun than Daddy!)

Also I have recently been learning how to knit - and this is the first finished project - a diaper soaker - I think it turned out pretty good. My definition of pretty good is that he can actually wear it for its intended purpose! (Although our little friend Jacob thought it also would make a good hat!)

Friday, March 28, 2008

So he doesn't like bananas, but...

He loves asparagus:

And hard-boiled egg yolks:

And green beans and chicken and broccoli and potatoes and pineapple and Orange Ginger Mint Tea! so far...though he continues to reject bananas! I knew that one day he would wake up and start yelling at us to feed him some of what we're having! He still doesn't reach (except for cups), but the squawking abates when we give him something off our plates, so I figure that must be what he means. He also will open his mouth for you to put food in, and does the cutest imitations when we instruct him in chewing. I'll work on getting some videos of that and other funny things he does over the weekend.

For Easter we went over to our friends the Jones' house and played with their two little girls, Sophie and Eva. Eva had something of a little crush on Greg!
(this one will be embarrassing when they're older!)

Otherwise we've just been having a grand old time exploring the world with ever-improving mobility. He has been earning the nickname "monkey" with his climbing antics! Of course his favorite climbing objectives have been moving targets, namely Mommy & Daddy...
The indoor playground at the mall:

AAAHHH - Lemme outta here!!! Standing at the gates and hollering is becoming a favorite pass-time of his

Boo! (climbing under the end tables to get at the phone cords)