The weather has turned nice, I think for good, so we have been venturing outside a little more. Here are a few more videos and a picture...its kinda hard to get good shots of what he's been doing lately. For example, he has been practicing walking around all the furniture and with his wagon and has started standing independently (look ma, no hands!) but every time I get the camera out all he wants to do is grab at it, so a picture has been elusive. I'll keep trying though...
I'm a mom, biologist, birth activist, doula, and aspiring midwife. I'm getting crunchier all the time, and I love dogs, Montessori, ecological eating, and theater, among many other things. My husband is an adorable math nerd, and my son is a firecracker. My new little guy is the sweetest little pea I've ever seen!
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Eastern Bluebird Purple Finch American Robin Blue Grosbeak Dickcissel American Goldfinch Northern Cardinal Red-Headed Woodpecker Mountain Bluebird Cedar Waxwing Brown Thrasher
OMG that first picture is just too adorable.
Seriously. Love the hair-do!
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