Gregory has been growing braver every day in his quest to become bi-pedal and master his environment! We have some great videos for you. He has also definitely transitioned from infant to toddler from a social and cognitive perspective as well. In the videos, you'll not only get to see his movement, but also, his development - he's trying to talk, and you can see the little wheels turning in his brain. One of the most exciting things for me is to see him responding to what I say in a way that I know he actually knows what I mean. Greg has always let us know that he has strong feelings and opinions, from birth! But now, he is having more dramatic reactions when I try to distract or divert him from something he wants, or when I refuse him something. How dare I! A friend said to me, you don't want to break their spirit or their will, but you do have to civilize them! That about sums it up right there! He's our little monkey! Guess its time to start reading up on gentle discipline...oh Dr Sears!!
Driving his car
Going downstairs
Going upstairs
17 hours ago
Oh my goodness, look at him go! That is so much fun. :)
I can't find Dan's email address, so wanted to stop by and wish him a happy birthday!!
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