We went out yesterday with the help of our friend Brenda and attempted some amateur portraits. They turned out decent and now we have some nice pictures with both Dan and me - click on the thumbnail at the right to check them out!
After the photo session we went over to another friend's for a birthday barbecue, and a lovely false labor pattern set in for the rest of the evening. I gotta say, it was a little different than the contractions I've been having up to now - actually kinda regular and a bit more intense, causing some pinching and pulling sensations. It didn't keep me from sleeping last night, but on the other hand, its still kinda going on this morning. I am getting excited that things are warming up - hopefully we'll be ready for the real deal next weekend after my mom gets to town!
5 hours ago
Oooh, these *are* good pictures. I can't wait to see you, Dan, and Gregory in person!
Wishing you a quick and easy labor, Holly! We're thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers.
Annie, Ken, and Tyler
holly! im so excited for you! you're so pretty in those pictures you just put up. i can't wait to see you! hopefully the messaging program on our computer will magically start working so you can try out your webcam.
love you,
Well, hello, gorgeous! You look amazing and happy and so does Dan. Great shots, very vibrant!! Keep us posted... we are all anxiously awaiting news of the little guy's debut! xoxoxoxo
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