Gregory made his entrance today at 8:23am after a brief but intense 3.5 hour labor at home. The vital statistics: 8lbs even, 20 1/4 inches long; lots of blond hair! We were blessed with a wonderful midwife team and my mom in attendance, who just arrived last night around 11pm!! I woke up this morning shortly before 5 with very strong contractions about 5 minutes apart, lasting about 40 seconds each. By 6, they were about 3 minutes apart and a minute to a minute and a half long. Things were progressing very quickly so I called in the midwife and woke my mom and Dan. When the midwife arrived shortly before 6:30, I was getting cleaned up in the shower and was already 6-7cm dilated. Everyone was working quickly to get things set up because things were moving fast and by the time I was able to get into the birth pool I was almost completely dilated. My midwife ended up breaking my water for me, which was helpful because it turned out I had a double membrane that may not have broken on its own! Once that was done, pushing contractions started immediately, but they were more spaced out so I could rest in between. Dan held me up as I pushed a little bit with each one - I didn't want to do too much because it was going too fast and I wanted to slow it down. I went on for about a half hour, and Gregory's head was born. The contraction was over so I sat there that way for a moment and could feel his little ear, and his right hand up at his cheek. Slowly with the next contraction, I felt him turn to my right and then one shoulder and finally the rest of him slipped out. I lifted him up out of the water right away and he gave several good cries and began to pink up. However, the water turned out to be a little too cool for him, so Dan cut the cord after a few minutes and we got out of the pool and got dried off. The placenta came about 30 minutes later and he nursed a little bit shortly after that. I escaped with only two very minor tears requiring one little stitch each - not bad considering how fast he came! It was beautiful and exhilarating for everyone present! Please enjoy the photos - I tried to make sure they were G-rated! The slideshow pans a bit strangely, cutting off some of the pics, but you can go look at the whole album too if you want...
Gregory’s birth
5 hours ago
Praise God for a healthy delivery! Holly, I'm so proud of you. Happy Father's day, Dan! What a gift!!Gregory is just beautiful! I can't wait to meet him.
Much love,
Annie, Ken and Tyler
Congratulations Holly and Dan! He's perfect - so nice to see his little face after all the waiting! Can't wait to see it in person! Holly, you look beautiful in the photos, and what a proud Daddy. I'm so happy for you both!
I can't think of anything else to say except "congratulations!" over and over again. He is gorgeous and I love that you were able to have a quick and (relatively) easy home birth, just like you wanted. :) What a wonderful gift on Father's Day for Dan.
xoxox Anne
Congratulations Holly and Dan! What a fantastic experience. I'm glad that it went well for all three of you. Congratulations again.
Congratulations to the both of you!
Jennifer Falbo
Congratulations you guys!! Dan, could you have asked for a better Father's Day gift? He's beautiful! hopefully I'll get a chance to see him someday! Take care and enjoy being parents!
Rachel (Voss)
May the lord bless your new family!
Much love sent your way!
You and Dan did a GREAT JOB!!!!
your midwife team
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