I know you all are desperate for more baby pictures! Its true, we haven't been taking quite as many pictures as we did with the first-born, but there are a few new ones! We have been busy trying to figure out this two-kid thing. Thankfully, my mom (Grandma Mary) was here for the last week lending a hand. We really loved her company and she helped us a lot with getting out and about, helping me strategize about how to handle dealing with both boys when I am finally on my own.
Asher has been having a lot of "firsts," like his first bath, and his first outings! He has been taking it like a trooper. Actually, he is pretty laid back. He doesn't complain much, and when he does, its usually just a little squawk and he is easily comforted by holding or nursing. The last couple of days he has started being a little restless in the evenings, and definitely doesn't like to go anywhere in the car during that time, but as long as he has the boob and the sling, we get through it without much drama. Its certainly nice to not have to exhaust ourselves with the baby-soothing rituals!
Gregory has been adjusting, slowly but surely. He ADORES Asher, wants to constantly lavish him with affection. I cannot fault him for that! However, he has also been pretty sensitive and demanding a lot of attention. Its hard because that translates into a lot of rowdiness, noise, and tantrums...not exactly endearing. I keep telling myself that he needs compassion and extra affection, but man its hard not to get mad when he is whining and yelling and throwing things. Not to mention the total lack of any level of cooperation! I have had a lot of less-than-stellar parenting moments with him and am not real proud of myself for that. I'm working on it...
That being said, today was the first day that we did not have a Grandma around to help, and thankfully, it actually went fairly well. Gregory went to preschool, and we actually walked out the door at the time we said we would be there, which made us only about 15 minutes late. That is NOT bad, if I do say so myself! Asher and I ran a bunch of errands, and then picked Greg up. Lunch and nap went reasonably smoothly! All in all, I think we will be ok!
Here are the latest pics, with some captions!
5 hours ago
What wonderful pictures! We are so anxious to see all of you next week. I am so proud of Greg becoming friends with his baby brother!
Grandpa Mike and Grandma Coralie
Go you guys for making it all work! And we ALL have our less-than-stellar parenting moments... that's what makes us human.
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