Saturday, July 31, 2010

Baby Blue Eyes?

I've been trying to coax more expressions out of Asher lately. He just sleeps so much, and when he's awake, he is fixated on eating and/or peeing and pooping! He does like to look out the window at the contrast of the trees and the sky, and has noticed the mobile above the swing. He always turns to locate Gregory when he hears him nearby. He likes to look in the mirror. But he just takes it all in - he's so serious! He still hasn't given us a real smile! Anyway, I am fairly convinced his eyes are blue - what do you think?

As I mentioned, Asher sleeps a lot, so this is how he usually looks to us:
From 2010 07 29b
And, he is already outgrowing his newborn clothes. The newborn diapers I made are long gone already and I have had to make bigger ones... and this was the first time he wore this brand new onesie, and it will be the only time! Love chubby babies, but I wish they didn't have to grow so fast!
From 2010 07 29b

Its hard not to compare your kids once you have two of them, especially when they are the same gender. Gregory and Asher have completely different temperaments, as babies anyway. Starting with his birth, I guess Asher is proving to defy my expectations. Those expectations are merely based on my previous experience of Gregory, though, so its no wonder! I have so much to learn! Here are some good comparison pics of the boys at about the same age - pretty easy to tell them apart by their hair color, though I do think you can see a likeness...
From G/A 5-6 wks
From G/A 5-6 wks
From G/A 5-6 wks

Dan turned 31 this past week, and we celebrated with a delicious ice cream cake. Last year, Gregory had just kind of gotten the concept of celebrating a birthday, and was none too pleased that it wasn't HIS! This year was a fair bit better, though he declined participation in singing Happy Birthday to Daddy. Clearly, he's still working through those feelings, but hey, its a lot better than last year!

In other news, we finally decided Gregory's fate for the fall: PRESCHOOL! He has been going sporadically (once-a-week-ish) to a small Montessori school and we decided that increasing to a regular three mornings a week would be perfect. This gives Mommy some sanity time, and gives him the chance to delve into more advanced learning. We love this little school because it is all of the opportunity and none of the pressure. Of course, when he gets there, the first thing he heads for is the number work, and at home he is always asking us to teach him to read, so we know he is ready for more stimulation and more challenge. He is already very good at sounding out a lot of simple words. This is what I walked into in the bathroom this evening...yes, it proves he has been watching far too much TV, but, hey, its educational!
From 2010 07 29b


Ms. Smoochy said...

Asher is getting so big! It is amazing how fast they change. I saw a brand-new newborn at the ped's office when I took Lola for her two-month well baby and I was BLOWN AWAY by the difference. Hang on tight, Mama!

Andrea said...

soooo cute! I love his rolls! They do grow so fast! And Gregory is such a big boy now. I can't believe he is already 3!

Live Simply Love Strongly said...

Yes, I do see a similarity between Greg and Asher. Can't believe Greg is already interested in letters and sounds. Good for him!

Michal said...

What great news that Greg is learning to spell. And Asher sounds like a doll... I can't wait to meet him.