I know first babies are usually a bit late, but a girl can hope... Its sort of like the beginning of pregnancy all over again - before you know for sure, you over-analyze every little feeling in your body: was that morning sickness? are my pants getting tight? Its the same way now - was that a real contraction? do I feel crampy? has the baby dropped? (or am I just waddling because I'm huge!) I have been having a lot of practice contractions and am taking some natural remedies to help get my body ready so that I hopefully won't go too overdue. But really there's no use forcing Mother Nature... Have to try to be patient and pass the time getting things ready. But frankly, as far as the baby is concerned, everything is ready, except for him! Well, I should say, we have everything we need, but of course there's always a couple more things we want.
Anyway, perhaps to distract ourselves, we have also taken on a couple of other projects around the house. We replaced the awful glass shower doors (that were impossible to clean) with a fancy curved curtain rod just like in the hotel (ok, ok, they have them in Super 8.) I replaced the regular light switch in the dining room with a dimmer (oooooo, aaahhh!) And due to an untimely mini-flood in the basement, Dan had to haul the nasty carpet out of there and will be laying a fresh layer of peel and stick tiles down as soon as they arrive (they were backordered.) Actually, the basement situation really stank (literally, like mildew) and it will feel much less homey down there with a hard floor, but we can't risk ruining carpet again - what was there before was new when we bought the house. Sad :( Hopefully a large area rug will lend sufficient warmth when we need to use that space for a family play room as Gregory gets older.
In other news, we had a wonderful visit with Angela and Galiano from Germany as they passed through on their cross-country RV tour. Dan and I have also started to play golf, and we're finding its a good way to get some fresh air and exercise together. I'm not the only crazy pregnant lady who golfs, either - we have seen a few others out there on the links. My big belly doesn't get in the way of my swing like you might expect...and I'm hoping all the walking will do me some good, if you know what I mean.
17 hours ago
1 comment:
i am so excited for you!!!!!! carlie was almost 3 weeks early (but we induced. long story, involving mark moving for work, not pretty) - i wish you and gregory (and dan!) all the best. i hope the experience is everything you want it to be, whatever that may be. (for me it was a big ass epidural, but i know that is not your route.) :) best of luck and the greatest of health and happiness. autumn
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