Yes, we're now at the point where we are counting the weeks left instead of the weeks completed. As the baby gets bigger, I am feeling full to the max, and I have no idea how I am going to have room for him to grow any more! I guess thats where stretch marks come into play?...don't have any yet... Sleeping through the night is a distant memory at this point, but I suppose its nature's design to prepare me, huh?
Our childbirth class is winding down - it has been really great getting to know the other couples, but we all talk so much during class that our teacher has a hard time getting through the material! Everyone has either questions, experience, or knowledge to share - but that is part of the fun. It will be really neat to see everyone's babies as they come along - we are all due within about 6 wks of each other this summer.
Other preparations (on my part at least) include lots of eating, sleeping in, reading inspirational birth stories, and frequent relaxation practice - I'm even listening to a self-hypnosis CD. Last week we assembled some of the remaining needed items: our birth kit including medical-type supplies and a blow-up pool, the carseat (a generous gift), and a new minivan. 2 big dogs + a baby = need a larger vehicle! We finally said good-bye to the trusty Fix family 1991 Honda Accord - it gave over 200,000 miles of service and was still running well, but was showing its age in rust and disintegrating leather.
So, the household is slowly transforming into a family abode...but we have to have a little more patience... I've been getting inquiries as to the plan for notifying people - the plan is that immediate family will be regularly updated when labor begins, and shortly after the birth we'll send out a mass email with pictures to let everyone else know the vital statistics. If you want to make double-sure you are on that list, let us know! Otherwise, we'll also be posting an account of the birth here on the blog within a couple of days I'm sure. And I do intend to post a couple more times before then too!
Lastly, check out my latest belly pics in the link to the right if you are so inclined - I am getting huge!
17 hours ago
1 comment:
You're a house!
I'll try to call tonight, I want to hear all about it in person.
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