I took Gregory for his first professional haircut today. It was a big mistake. I told the lady I did NOT want it too short, I just wanted her to fix it so the back was more manageable. The poor kid looks bald - he looks like one of those kids who is born bald and never grows any hair until they're three. I am so upset - all his beautiful soft hair is gone! That is the last time I let anyone else near his hair! I just hope it grows out quickly! Then again, looking through the pictures again, its pretty hard to diminish his innate cuteness...but still, he was cuter with hair!
17 hours ago
I'm sorry you are not happy with the haircut. It's frustrating when you are not happy with the result. That being said...I LOVE this haircut!!!! ADORABLE! I don't think he looks like a kid that's bald. He looks like a kid with hair that has a cute little boy haircut. SO CUTE!
I think he looks pretty cute too. More like a little boy than a toddler. The De Los Reyes side is really showing. I recognize those teeth anywhere! :)
Oh! I think he looks adorable!! Not bald in any way at all. It is just so different from what he had before, it had to be a shock to you! I love it!
The good thing about hair is that it grows back.
Grandpa in California
Oh Holly. I know it is a change for you, but he is adorable! He does look like such a little boy. Remember, just like permanents, haircuts are only temporary! Love, Grandma Mary
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