Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Little Gregory Humor...

Our boy is quite the little funny man - I heard some loud thuds the other day, and found him upstairs entertaining himself. He was so hilarious and having such a good time, I just had to grab the camera. (And yes, that is one of my bras around his neck!)

And here are some videos of him singing songs - he loves to sing! Its amazing how many of the words he knows, too! I can sing pretty much any song, stop in the middle, and he will sing the next word...even in the ABC's... I am so impressed with him!

"Oh Dear, What Can the Matter Be?"

"Row, Row, Row Your Boat" (distracted by the proximity of milkies after the 3rd line...)


I don't even know what to say about this, except its typical Greg...and I love it!

I swear, he asked me to put this rubber band in his hair! Soak it in because he's going for a real haircut sometime soon...somehow, I don't think he'll mind shorter hair...but I'm not sure I'll be able to stand cutting off too much of it! Still, something must be done - we need a professional!
From 2009 03 12

From 2009 03 12

Greg and Daddy - my cute guys! Greg did take a spill yesterday and has a bruise on his upper lip...poor baby!
From 2009 03 12

He does slow down sometimes! This is him at nap time - all tucked in with the requisite "two babies"
From 2009 03 12

From 2009 03 12


Live Simply Love Strongly said...

So my daughter is not the only one! She has not only put my bras on, but is currently obsessed with my underwear...She thinks she needs to put them on like necklaces, which is typically fine, but my brother and his girlfriend are here visiting and she came out of our room with my underwear around her neck! I don't know what it is about the underwear that she likes, that they are soft, that they come in different colors, or that they fit easily around her neck...sigh, nothing is MINE anymore, not my own body, not my time, and now, not even my underwear. :) ha, ha

Anonymous said...

I just want to thank you for all the blogs. It's a grandma's gift package everytime something is posted. I don't check the site every day but usually know when a new blog is up when the screensaver picture of him appears on the family computer screen. I know where Audrey probably got it and go in to see. This monring I awoke to Greg's smiling "up-side-down" face on the screen. Just want you to know that I watch the videos over and over again until a new set goes up and appreciate this so much. It is the next best thing to being there. I don't like I'm missing out on all those adorable moments of his development. Thanks! Love, Mom

Michal said...

that last video is adorable!