Well, I have a LOT of pics and videos to catch up on from our trip to Chicago last week. Dan attended a seminar during the day while Greg and I visited our friend Becca and her two darling children, Jacob and Georgia. In spite of being sick, we all really enjoyed ourselves. Becca and the kids showed us around some of their favorite spots - the mall playground, the library, the zoo, the children's museum... Also we stayed at Gregory's Godparents' home, but they were away in Greece - we missed them, but we loved the comfort of a familiar home. Gregory had fun playing their piano, but I think their sweet cat was a little put off by the noise and rapid movements of a toddler... She did let him pet her a little bit though, and he loved her!
These coasters have musical instruments on them, mostly horns...
Thanks for the caterpillar, Patrick and Keri! The way he says caterpillar is so cute!
On the way home we stopped at an indoor playground to let Greg burn off some steam, which was a big hit! But then we were attacked by a coyote that threw itself in front of our van, demolishing the bumper and radiator. The bad news is that our van is STILL in Iowa City getting repaired. The good news is that we got to spend a little time in Iowa City and see a couple of old friends from our time during Dan's grad school days there, and we will have to go back to get the van when its done, so we'll visit a couple other people then...good friends that we do not see often enough!
4 hours ago