Gregory weighed over 9 pounds when our midwife came to check on us on Sunday! Pretty much all he does is eat, so I guess its not surprising. I don't get much done, but I don't mind because I know he's happy. He has started spitting up after some of those marathon nursing sessions, though, so I am trying to give him my finger to suck on when I know he's already full. We're not quite ready to give him a pacifier yet because he's still having some issues latching on occasionally. I'm having some mixed feelings about it too because I think he could easily become addicted to it and I'm not sure I want to go down that road. I think it will be something we reserve for the most needed in church...
We had a very nice time with Dan's mom, Bonnie, the last several days. She had a great time rocking Gregory out on the porch, which gave me a nice break to do things like take a shower. He is starting to stay awake for slightly longer intervals so he enjoyed looking around outside. He is also starting to enjoy his mobile and the new mirrors on the wall in his room. We are gradually spending more time in there together and I am learning to lay him down in his own bed for his naps - its tempting to just want to hold him all the time, but I do think he sleeps better when he's in bed... Its also tempting to take all his naps with him, but then I would really not get anything done, including this blog! He is actually sleeping through the night pretty well - usually only wakes up once to nurse and have a new diaper - so I can't claim total exhaustion yet.
Anyway, check out our new pics from this week - just click on the picture to go to the photo album. You can't tell me this kid doesn't have strawberry blond hair!!!

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