Anyway, all's well in baby-land. Our little boy is growing like a weed (like a parasite?) and mommy is starting to feel a little bit cumbersome now. I can still get down on the floor with the dogs and get up from the couch usually by myself, but my back starts to hurt by the end of the day, especially if I've been sitting all day working. Actually, I have a feeling I'll feel a LOT better once I have time to exercise a little more and be out and about. Very soon - there are only 2 class periods left in the quarter and then I will be off for good - yay!!! For those of you who are unaware, I am taking the Spring off because the quarter would only be ending about 2 weeks before we're due, and thats cutting it a little close. Also I need to get my thesis finally finished - that will be a relief.
Click on the thumbnail at the right for the most recent belly pictures - I have updated with the ones from 22 weeks. They are kinda boring - I think we should start trying to be a little more artistic with those. We took a little intro class the other night to show us some more features of our new digital camera, and we really learned a lot. Need to spend a little time experimenting...
We (Dan) moved the dogs' accommodations to the basement. Their former bedroom here on the main floor will now become the baby's room, and we thought it best to get them used to the idea sooner rather than later. Plus we need to get a little work done in there - painting, etc. Well, Lucy was rather confused by the move - its been over a week and she still occasionally wanders in there sniffing around and whining. But they seem to like their new basement bedroom just fine too. Personally, I think its nicer for them down there - carpet on the floor, and the room is actually a little bigger too!
We had a follow-up Ultrasound this Wednesday. There was a little thing with the kidneys last time that they wanted to check again - but as we all suspected, it was nothing. He probably just needed to pee last time so it looked like there was a little fluid in there!! Anyway, he is most certainly still a boy! He now weighs about 1lb 8oz - he gained a whole pound in 1 month! From here on out, his main job is just to get bigger, so I guess he's on the right track! We are tentatively calling him Gregory (Sebastian for the middle name). It seems to be sticking, but we reserve the right to change our minds!
Speaking of gaining weight, I had not been doing a very good job of that, but for anyone who was worried, at my last appt 2 weeks ago I was up 6 pounds since the beginning of the pregnancy. So its going in the right direction! I think I have gained another 1-2 since then, and we have another appt on March 6th, so we'll see. Nothing to worry about - the midwife said it was totally normal to lose/not gain in the first half - but they like to see it start going up by 24-26 weeks. Well thats exactly where we are now, so it looks like its all going to be fine. And the most important thing is that the baby is growing well, and he's right on track - 50th percentile actually!
Alrighty, thats enough for now, and I promise to be more consistent from now on! I have no more excuses anyway!
Gregory - almost 24 weeks:

1 comment:
I love the name! And glad to hear all is well. I kept checking this page for an update. :)
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