Well Summer wound down rather abruptly here, at least weather wise. One day it was still really hot, next day we are looking at a week of highs in the 60s! Well, we weren't quite ready for that and had to dig out long pants and long sleeves in a hurry. I am totally not prepared to give up my flip flops yet, so I guess my toes will just have to suffer a little longer. But actually the change is otherwise welcome. Gregory started going to preschool 3 mornings a week, so that is giving us a whole new routine. I also started a midwifery study program through the National Midwifery Institute. So of course, I'm trying to study while Gregory is not home. Asher is amazingly cooperative - he's such a nice baby! He is content to sleep most of the morning, with intermittent bouts of playing on the floor or nursing. I can really get a lot done with only him around!
August 30th was, of course, my birthday. My 30th birthday this year, so some would call that my Golden Birthday... We didn't do much but we did have cake. At least we tried to have cake - it was kind of a fail! But it tasted great.
Over Labor Day weekend, we went to Omaha. It was Asher's first big car trip. He did ok on the way down, but cried most of the way back, poor thing. He has since been quite testy in the car pretty much all the time, which is a major bummer. But still, if that's the only time he's ever upset, that's not too bad. Anyway, we had a lovely time visiting our friends in Omaha. Dan participated in a fantasy football draft. We barbecued with two different sets of folks, the old college pals, and my mommy friends. Both were wonderful. The kids had a great time playing together, especially now that they're all older and can actually talk to each other and play games like hide and seek. Very cute! Unfortunately, I did not seem to remember to get the camera out while we were there...here's one from the hotel room:
The Grandparents have been out in full force in September. First Grandpa Mike and Grandma Coralie were down for a Vikings game. Then Grandma Bonnie and her friend, Laurie, came to visit and took Gregory to the Renaissance Festival. They had a great time. Grandpa Mike and Grandma Coralie are going to be here again this coming weekend for, you guessed it, another football game! Boy, we are already counting down the days til Christmas in California so we can get some good quality time with Grandma Mary and Grandpa Nick again!
And of course, I've been trying to get some more fun pics of Asher, he is growing so fast! He is about 13 lbs now, at 12 weeks, so seems to be slowing it down just a little. He seems really tall to me, though. I looked back and saw that Gregory did not hit 13 lbs until 4 mths, so I'll be curious to see if their size differences continue. I think I am figuring out that another reason that Gregory was/is so tiny, he never slept! Asher just sleeps so much, but I think its actually normal, and Gregory was the off kid that fought it so hard. I remember spending literally hours every day trying to get him down for naps, and then he'd only sleep 20 mins. Different kids! The first few of the following pictures are from Labor Day weekend, but the majority are from this morning - so you are up to the minute!