We've officially been inducted into the second trimester - yay!! Its going by so quickly, and yet it also seems like hardly anything has happened. My belly popped out a little bit around the 10th week, and hasn't seemed to change much since then - I don't know, maybe its a little bigger. Anyway, I'm still in the "little bit fat" looking stage. We'll probably take a picture tonight and put it up here. Its good to have a record.
So, the midwife said today that the baby is perfectly fine - growing appropriately, so nothing to worry about. The heart rate was around 160, which is just fine, although baby didn't like the cold of the gel, or the pressure of the doppler or something - kept moving out from under it while she was trying to count! BTW, according to the old wives' tale, a heart rate of above 140 means its a girl - but that relationship has not borne out in statistical comparisons - in other words, its not true. I guess we'll see!
Speaking of moving, a lot of people will tell me I'm imagining things, but I'm pretty sure I've felt the baby move a little bit this past week. I just was noticing these funny little feelings that didn't feel like anything else (i.e. gas) and of course it was getting my attention during times when I was sitting still - in the car, on the couch, trying to fall asleep. Its only been a handful of times, just this past week, but the midwife said its possible and thats probably what it is. Anyway, its kinda neat and I can't wait for it to get stronger and more frequent. I'm sure I'll be regretting I wished that when he/she is kicking me in the lungs and jumping on my bladder!! Otherwise, I still don't want to eat much and I'm still tired all the time - they say thats supposed to get better soon. I guess the holidays will certainly tempt my appetite!
So, in about a month we get to have our ultrasound to check out ALL of baby's parts - we'll let you know what we find out!! They'll also check my blood sugar and insulin then, since its always a worry for me. In the meantime, have a great Christmas and New Year's - especially those of you we won't get to see - we miss you!
17 hours ago
Happy 2nd trimester, Holly! I'm just so thrilled for you and Dan and I can't wait to hear more about your pregnancy and how everything is going!
Merry Christmas to you all and a pat on the head to Giggles and Lucy. :)
You look officially pregnant now! I can't believe you can actually feel it kick... it must be an amazing sensation.
We miss you this Hannukah, and will be thinking about you on Christmas! (are you going to CA, btw?)
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