Friday, October 29, 2010

A few photos

Thought I'd put up a few photos before the Halloween extravaganza...

We had a little fun last weekend carving a pumpkin... And a friend of ours had a great birthday party at a bowling alley. We had the whole place to ourselves and the kids had a great time not only bowling but also running around in a little pack. Approximately ten 3 and 4 yr olds - quite hilarious!

Stay tuned for the Halloween adventures...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Asher's 16 Weeks

Well, actually, he's 17 weeks as of today, but I started writing this post last week! Anyway, I'm not willing to say he's 4 months yet - its not 4 months until the 19th, right? Time is just flying and our little guy is growing up so fast! He is working hard on grasping toys and getting them into his mouth. He loves biting and sucking on his hands, his blanket, and anything else he can get a hold of. He sometimes even pulls his pacifier out and starts sucking his thumb instead! He also has quite the sense of humor and smiles and giggles whenever we talk to him. He's even starting to like playing a little peek-a-boo.

Otherwise, we have just been trying to enjoy this blissfully mild fall. Grandma Bonnie and Auntie Kim were here for a visit last week, as always lovely to see them. Auntie Kim took lots more pictures but she hasn't sent them to me yet!