Grandma Bonnie came to visit over the 4th of July, and we enjoyed a lot of fun time together. One of the highlights was the Taste of Minnesota festival. Gregory got to try a lot of classic fair foods for the first time, went on the pony ride TWICE with Grandma, the petting zoo, and even a carnival ride. Pony rides definitely make for great Kodak moments! Grandma and Gregory got to spend a lot of time together while Mommy and Daddy went out house hunting too. We feel like we have a pretty good handle on the areas we would consider living, so as soon as our house in Omaha sells, we should be ready to make offers here. Anyone know anyone in Omaha looking for a house?
And now for some merciless humor at Gregory's won't be long before we won't be able to post pics of him like this anymore, but for now, its hilarious! Gregory has been working on potty learning, so I often let him run around the house with no pants on. This day he wanted to play ball with Lucy in the backyard, which is shared with our neighbors, so I thought he'd better put on some shorts. I quickly grabbed a pair which turned out to be a little too big... I am very proud to say that he is now wearing underwear during all waking hours though, even when we go out! We didn't even have to bribe him! Such a big boy! And yes, I did get him some shorts that fit without the diapers!
Greg has also been experimenting with self-portraiture:
4 hours ago