And hard-boiled egg yolks:

And green beans and chicken and broccoli and potatoes and pineapple and Orange Ginger Mint Tea! so far...though he continues to reject bananas! I knew that one day he would wake up and start yelling at us to feed him some of what we're having! He still doesn't reach (except for cups), but the squawking abates when we give him something off our plates, so I figure that must be what he means. He also will open his mouth for you to put food in, and does the cutest imitations when we instruct him in chewing. I'll work on getting some videos of that and other funny things he does over the weekend.
For Easter we went over to our friends the Jones' house and played with their two little girls, Sophie and Eva. Eva had something of a little crush on Greg!

Otherwise we've just been having a grand old time exploring the world with ever-improving mobility. He has been earning the nickname "monkey" with his climbing antics! Of course his favorite climbing objectives have been moving targets, namely Mommy & Daddy...
The indoor playground at the mall:

AAAHHH - Lemme outta here!!! Standing at the gates and hollering is becoming a favorite pass-time of his

Boo! (climbing under the end tables to get at the phone cords)