Monday, May 4, 2009

April in Pictures

Sorry for the long delay - the camera was, gasp, lost for a while there. Its ok, we recovered it!

April started off like this:
From 2009 05 03

So we were still all in the mood for being bundled up:
From 2009 05 03

From 2009 05 03

But the snow melted pretty quick and soon enough, it was Easter. Greg got his first Easter basket, and he really enjoyed it! He got so excited for chocolate, he was about to eat it wrapper and all!

And recently Greg has gotten the clue about smiling for the camera, so we will need to be taking advantage of that more!
From 2009 05 03

From 2009 05 03

I do have some videos from Easter, but I'll have to post them later - it takes forever to upload them!